Nevada Attorney Las Vegas Law Firm

Las Vegas Real Estate Attorney

PandA is a top rated award winning local real estate law firm.

Real Estate

If you’re a homeowner, our attorneys have more options available. For example, if your house payment was lowered by $1000/month or more, how much easier would your life be? At PandA Law Firm, the average loan modification lowers the interest rate to around 2%. What’s more, PandA attorneys may be able to lower your mortgage balance. To see some actual results, check out our Testimonials page.


We’ll be sure to compare the benefits of each when you come in for your consultation.
Loan Modification Help Las Vegas

Loan Modification

A loan modification is a process of negotiation with the lender that results in a change to the terms of your original loan.

Learn more about loan modifications
Nevada Mortgage Lawyers

Stop Foreclosure

Learn how we might be able to stop foreclosure and save your home.

Stop foreclosure and save your home
Best Las Vegas Attorneys

Short Sale

A solution for when your property won’t sell for enough money to pay the bank back.

Learn more about short sale solutions
Real Estate Lawyer


For those on the fence about whether to short sell your home or try for a principal reduction.

Learn more about the all-in-one program

Get Your FREE* Consultation with our Real Estate Attorneys

Contact us today to schedule a free* consultation. We are located in Las Vegas, and service all of Southern Nevada, North Las Vegas, Henderson, and surrounding areas.

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