Southern California Debt Settlement Attorney
PandA is a top rated award winning debt settlement law firm in Southern California.
PandA is a top rated award winning debt settlement law firm in Southern California.
Much like a professional athlete or television star, you have the right to attempt to renegotiate any contract at any time. In essence, that’s what California debt settlement is: a renegotiation of what you owe a creditor to a lower amount. Debt settlement can get you out of debt without bankruptcy.
Now, contract negotiation can be tricky at times, and that’s why athletes and actors have teams of agents and attorneys to handle it for them. At PandA Law Firm, we’re your agent and your lawyer. We’ll negotiate with your creditors to reduce the amount you owe. This is very different from debt consolidation or even credit counseling who’s goal is to lower interest rates or payments. Your PandA Law Firm attorney will LOWER THE AMOUNT YOU OWE your creditors. Typically, you’ll wind up paying back 30% to 50% of the total balance. (results may vary)
That’s a good question, and probably one you should ask your PandA Law Firm attorney during your free* consultation. The truth is that every person’s situation is different. But generically speaking, if you:
Then debt settlement may be the right option. But you don’t have to worry! The lawyers at PandA Law Firm have experience with bankruptcy AND debt settlement. During your free* consultation, they’ll explain the benefits and differences between both services rather than try to force you in to one or the other like some other lawyers do. Don’t go to a lawyer that only does BK. Get all your options: Come to PandA!
Debt Settlement is a contract negotiation between a creditor (or debt-collector) and a debtor (or the debtor’s attorney). The goal of this negotiation is to convince the collector to take a small portion of the total balance as Payment-In-Full. In addition, the paperwork that accompanies the settlement offer should ensure that the balance is marked down to zero, and no one can EVER try to collect on that account again. Sometimes debt settlement is used to avoid bankruptcy, but in other cases financially savvy clients just want to get out of debt with as little out-of-pocket as possible.
Get Your FREE Phone Consultation with our Debt Settlement Attorneys
If your debt is getting out of control, and you’d like to know more about debt settlement or bankruptcy, call us today at 702-818-3888 or fill out the contact form below to schedule your free phone consultation with one of our attorneys!
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*We provide free consultations for Personal Injury, Debt Relief, Consumer Protection and Mortgage Assistance cases. Real Estate, Family Law and general Litigation cases may incur consultation fees. Contact us for more information.
Voted Best of Las Vegas 'Best Bankruptcy Firm' and Best of Las Vegas 'Best Alternative Dispute Resolution Law Firm (AKA Best Debt Settlement Law Firm)' and Best of Las Vegas 'Best Real Estate Law Firm' and Best of Las Vegas 'Best Divorce Lawyers' and Best of Las Vegas 'Best Tax Lawyer'.